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Liquid (liquid) biopsy is the collection and evaluation of tumor material obtained non-surgically from body fluids such as blood, saliva, …
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The best imaging and treatment methods for prostate cancer are now provided with fusion systems. In MR fusion prostate biopsies, …
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The word prostate comes from the Greek word “prostates”. It means standing in front, guard and protector. In a healthy …
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Cranberry (Cornus mas) is a fruit that has been used in Asian and European traditional medicine for centuries. It is …
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Question: What is the prostate, where is it? The word prostate comes from the Greek word “prostates”. It means standing …
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0179654eff-nanoknife-6ay-tjurol-oa-minİndir …
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Focal Ablation Therapies in Prostate Cancer Prostat Kanserinde Fokal Ablasyon Tedavileri Department of Urology, TOBB ETU, Faculty of Medicine, Ankara, …
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