Greenlight Surgical Treatment
Greenlight is a laser system developed for the surgical treatment of prostate enlargement. With this system, laser beams are transmitted to the prostate through a telescope that is advanced along the urethra (the channel between the urinary bladder and the place where the urine comes out) and the enlarged prostate tissue is vaporized.

What is greenlight?
Greenlight is a laser system developed for the surgical treatment of prostate enlargement. With this system, laser beams are transmitted to the prostate through a telescope that is advanced along the urethra (the channel between the urinary bladder and the place where the urine comes out) and the enlarged prostate tissue is vaporized. This laser has a high affinity for hemoglobin in red blood cells. Therefore, bleeding is not observed during the procedure. Since the laser beams affect 1-2 mm deep, its effect is under control, it does not cause damage under the evaporated area.
What is Greenlight XPS?
Laser treatments for prostate enlargement have been on the agenda for a long time and are in constant development. Greenlight laser applications, which started with 80 watts in the early 2000s, brought a new dimension to prostate treatment with the development of the Greenlight XPS 180 watt laser device in 2013. The Greenlight XPS 180W is the latest generation device in this field and has 76% more evaporation, 77% faster surgery and 33% more astringent effect than previous laser applications. Patient satisfaction is at a high level.
What are the advantages of Greenlight XPS compared to other surgical methods for prostate enlargement?
Among the surgical methods to be performed for prostate enlargement, Greenlight XPS is the most advantageous because it does not cause bleeding, has a short hospital stay and catheterization time, can be applied even under local anesthesia, and does not cause erection problems.
Is the Greenlight laser system safe?
The safety of the greenlight laser system has been approved by the FDA (Food and Drug Administration), which is the agency that oversees the use of medical devices in the United States. This method has been successfully applied in our hospital since 2005 and in many countries of the world today.
How many days do I need to stay in the hospital after Greenlight XPS?
Although most patients are able to go home on the same day, overnight monitoring is still preferred in the hospital environment for observation purposes.
Will I need anesthesia during Greenlight XPS?
Greenlight XPS can be applied with many anesthesia options from local anesthesia to general anesthesia. It provides an advantage because it can be performed with local anesthesia in high-risk patients who are in poor general condition and cannot receive anesthesia.
I need to use blood thinners, can I be Greenlight XPS?
You can be. This method is the first choice for patients with high cardiovascular risk and who use blood thinners.
Will I feel pain after Greenlight XPS?
A slight burning sensation may be seen while urinating after the operation. Your complaints can be reduced with the medications your doctor will give you.
How long do I need to stay with a urinary catheter after Greenlight XPS?
A urinary catheter is not inserted in approximately 50% of the patients. If a urinary catheter is inserted, it is taken within 24 hours.
When will my urinary complaints improve after Greenlight XPS?
In most patients, significant improvement in voiding force occurs within 24 hours. Recovery after surgical procedures is a process. A significant improvement will be seen in other urination complaints day by day in the patients.
When can I return to my normal daily activities after Greenlight XPS?
Most patients can return to their daily activities, such as desk jobs, driving, etc., within a few days. Heavy activities (running, heavy lifting (over 10 kg), cycling) should be avoided for 2 weeks. You should not have sexual intercourse for 4 weeks.
What are Greenlight XPS side effects, risks, complications?
The common view of many urologists who apply this procedure is that there is no obvious disadvantage. The majority of patients reported a high degree of satisfaction. After the operation, a slight burning sensation may be felt while urinating, and a small amount of blood may be seen in the urine. Delayed bleeding after the operation can be seen in the case of heavy activity within 2 weeks after the operation. As in all prostate surgeries, leakage of semen into the bladder (retrograde ejaculation) during ejaculation can be seen in Greenlight XPS. However, there are studies showing that the probability of semen escaping into the bladder is lower in Greenlight XPS compared to other prostate surgeries. No post-operative bleeding, TUR-syndrome or erectile dysfunction was reported in clinical studies.
Before Greenlight After Greenlight
What is the place of Greenlight XPS in prostate surgery?
This application is a method that shows the effectiveness of classical methods in the treatment of benign enlargement of the prostate and has advantages in terms of patient comfort and safety.
What are the other surgical treatment options for prostate enlargement?
TUR-P; Some complications (such as bleeding, TUR syndrome, urinary obstruction, urinary incontinence and erectile dysfunction) may develop in 25-30% of patients in the procedure of removing the prostate by endoscopic scraping using electrical energy. There may be a need to stay in the hospital for a few days and to stay with a probe ranging from 1-5 days.
Other options such as TUNA and Microwave are not used much in urology practice because the improvements are temporary and the complaints can recur in a short time.
Open prostate surgeries are now applied to a very limited patient group.
To whom cannot Greenlight XPS be applied?
It should not be administered to patients with acute prostatitis and advanced urinary tract infection. It can only be used in patients with prostate cancer for the purpose of making the patient urinate.
How will I know if I am a suitable candidate for Greenlight XPS?
Greenlight XPS can be applied to all patients who have benign prostatic enlargement and require surgical treatment, regardless of age. However, since the prostate tissue evaporates with the Greenlight XPS process, tissue cannot be obtained for pathological examination. Therefore, patients should be properly examined for prostate cancer. Only your urologist can decide if you are suitable for Greenlight XPS.
Greenlight Surgical Treatment Video